One welfare vehicle to mother and child welfare institution “Higashi-sakuraen”

One welfare vehicle to mother and child welfare institution “Higashi-sakuraen”

Higashi-sakuraen is a child welfare institution based on the Child Welfare Law. Mothers bringing up their children alone(under 18 years old), due to widowhood, abandonment or other special circumstances are living here with their children. Higashi-sakuraen provides not only housing but also a stable environment for both mothers and children, where children can grow up in good health. We presented one welfare vehicles to Higashi-sakuraen. When we saw that children rode in a car joyfully, we want to continue support to women and children from now on.(President, Reiko Aso)
母子生活支援施設 社会福祉法人 みおつくし福祉会「東さくら園」に ワンボックスカー贈呈
In Osaka City Office, We hold a presentation ceremony on April 11, and received a letter of thanks.
母子生活支援施設 社会福祉法人 みおつくし福祉会「東さくら園」に ワンボックスカー贈呈


  1. S.I. of St. Albans, England
  2. S.I. of Bacolod, Philippines
  3. S.I. of St. Albans, England
  4. The Golden Jubilee of SI St.Albans and District
  5. Donating to an active capital to the social corporation “Japan Hearing-dog corporation”
  6. Donating to an active capital to the social welfare corporation “Higashi Sakura-en”
  7. Craft room of Girl Scout Training Center to Osaka Girl Scout
  8. Soroptimist's woods to Osaka city: 15 zelkova trees beside the City Hall
  9. Japanese tea house to Taisen Park in Sakai, Osaka
  10. 2 ambulance cars to Osaka city